Case Studies

Equipment Description:

High-purity water system capable of producing 2,000 gallons per day with multiple water qualities for distribution throughout laboratories and research and development facilities. The turnkey skid-mounted system produces both ASTM Type II and Type IV water for distribution throughout the facility. The system includes numerous redundant components and integration into the building automation system.


The customer was renovating their facility and needed water treatment equipment capable of producing multiple water qualities for distribution to their laboratory faucets and equipment, device cleaners, clean-in-place system, and HVAC equipment. With strict water quality requirements for much of their process, they needed to be able to monitor the multiple water qualities being distributed from the system to ensure that it meets their process requirements without interruption.


WCC provided a turnkey skid-mounted system approach to meet the multiple water qualities and daily volume required on-site. The system takes the incoming city water and treats it through various treatment technologies, including redundant reverse osmosis units and electro deionization, for distribution throughout the campus.

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