Apartment facility in Orlando, Florida
Equipment Description:
Commercial twin water softening system with two (2) 2” control valves, two (2) resin tanks with ten (10) cubic feet of cation exchange resin, and a bulk salt storage (brine) tank.
Hard water can cause issues with staining and accumulation on just about anything that it encounters. In the case of an apartment complex, this can be anything from the showers, lavatories, toilets, kitchen sink, dishwasher, clothes washer, and some of the HVAC systems as well. This hard water can lead to unhappy tenants as it causes additional cleaning of the fixtures, and requires more soaps and detergents in the shower, dishwasher, and clothes washer.
Installation of a commercial twin water softening system. This progressive flow twin system is designed to handle the peak flow rate requirements of the facility and regenerate during periods of minimal usage to ensure a continuous flow of soft water to the facility.