Prominent Defense Contractor
Equipment Description:
Skid-mounted humidification feed system designed to produce up to 4,000 gallons per day of RO water for makeup to the HVAC system. The system includes twin-alternating combination water softener and carbon filter units for pre-treatment, a 4,000-gallon-per-day reverse osmosis unit, one bladder tank for RO water storage, and one bladder tank with a VFD-driven delivery pump for repressurization. The system also includes a PLC-driven control panel that allows for a single point power supply and building automation integration.
To ensure the quality and consistency of their product, the facility must maintain a very specific humidity level for manufacturing. With the elevated levels of hardness and dissolved solids from the city water, this would lead to extensive maintenance and upkeep on the HVAC equipment to ensure the humidifiers are performing and maintaining the desired levels.
Water Control Corporation’s HumidiPure series of systems. These systems were designed to incorporate the required pretreatment needed based on the on-site water quality and will produce and store enough RO water to ensure minimal maintenance on the HVAC equipment. These systems come as a turnkey unit with all necessary items pre-plumbed and pre-wired for ease of contractor installation.